Romans 12:2 tell us, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” NIV. The “renewing of the mind” is exactly what the patrons of First Pres. Church Library have been doing. Our patrons are from First Pres., other area churches, the community, and other faiths besides Christianity.
Circulation continues to increase steadily, busier through the week than on Sundays, with January, March and June being the heaviest months.
Most popular genres – adult fiction (faith-based and/or Christ-centred) slightly edges out adult non-fiction, while, once again, children are reading far more than watching DVD’s. Resources for our youth/teens are being circulated more as well.
Our library’s total complement – 4720 items, with 92% being books.
New resources added this year – 508; 421 books and 81 DVD’s, plus some specialty items, from our allocated budget and from most generous donations from our patrons, and from very frugal shopping.
DVD’s for adults have been a popular addition with increased circulation here.
With ongoing, serious culling of outdated, duplicated and/or dilapidated books, and with donated books not meeting our donated-items’ policy, we delivered 47 boxes of materials to Christian Salvage Mission.
Our church’s book-of-the-month club continues to grow. A broad range of authors, perspectives and topics generate diverse and animated discussions.
To quote Dallas Willard, this “brings us back to the Bible, especially the Gospels, and to find in Jesus and His teachings, ‘the unsearchable riches of Christ’, (Eph.3:8 KIV), the wisdom and reality for which the human being vainly strives on its own.”