Children begin with their parents/guardians in the sanctuary at each service (9am and 10:30am) on Sunday morning. After a short time, children are invited to leave the sanctuary and join a team of volunteers upstairs for our children’s program, called First Contact.
First Contact begings with a short ‘House Worship’ including singing, prayer and taking up an offering. The offering that the children give supports the School Breakfast Program at each of the elementary schools in town.
After the offering, the children break into two groups; children who are 4 - 6 years old and children who are 7 - 12 years old. This allows every child to participate at a level that they can connect with.
At the 9:00am service, we ask parents to find their children upstairs. At the 10:30 service, we will bring the children down to the Lower Hall. If you need to leave before your child comes downstairs, then please come up and find them.
We ask that parents register their children for First Contact, even if they are not able to attend service regularly. By registering your child, it makes sure that we are aware of any special needs or allergies, as well as helping us stay connected. From time to time we will take photos of the children to use on our website and facebook pages, and registering provides us with permission to use these photos. Please click here to register your child.
Occasionally, we will have an intergenerational service where the children will remain in the sanctuary for the entire service. These services are geared to keep the attention of the children.
On communion Sundays we shorten our time upstairs and the children join their parents/guardians for communion.
During the summer months, we combine our two services and offer one service at 10am. First Contact and Nursery care are both offered all summer long.
There are wonderful "Busy Bags" created by dedicated volunteers, that contain quiet play items that reinforce the themes from First Contact and the Christian Season. Children are encourraged to grab a bag on their way into the santuary, if they need something to help keep their attention during the first portion of the service.