Volunteer Opportunities

Our programs are all made possible by the generous volunteers who commit their time to the next generation of Christians.  All adult Volunteers must have a current (within 5 years) Vulnerable Sector Check and follow the Leading With Care Policy as outlined by the Presbyterian Church in Canada.

If you are interested in volunteering for any of the below programs, please email firstyouth@rogers.com

Sunday Morning Volunteers

Both Adults and children Gr 7+ can become volunteers for Sunday Morning Programs! 
Youth can sign up to be leaders and helpers for Sprites or for the Nursery.

Sunday School Leaders:

  • Receive the curriculum material, including bible story, games and activities for either the Sprites (JK – Gr 6) or 7up Club (Gr 7 and older)
  • Select 2 – 3 activities to share with the children from the material
    • Prepare and gather material needed
    • Contact Julia for any supplies that you need help obtaining (printing/materials from church/purchases) by Thursday
  • Arrive by 9:30am to set up your Sunday School Space, gather everything needed for your lessons
  • Sit Upstairs in the Sanctuary and Lead children downstairs to Sunday School
  • Take Attendance & Administer Lessons with the help of a “helper”, when applicable.
  • Once children are gone, ensure space is tidy and all materials are put away.

Nursery Volunteers:

  • Arrive in the Nursery by 9:45am each Morning
  • Turn on the TV and set up the LiveStream
  • Pull down toys that are available for play
  • Ask Families to sign their Nursery Children in to the nursery
  • Care for little ones, providing conversation and play support
  • Once children are picked up, wipe down large toys with the Lysol wipes
  • Put toys that have been played with on the wire shelves so that they can be cleaned monthly
  • Turn Out Lights and Shut door

Youth Group Volunteers

Youth Group Volunteers help to plan each Friday’s session when they are scheduled to be in a leadership role, as well as participate in planning the overall season of Youth Group – selecting special activities and making sure that there is a variety of events for youth to participate in.

Monthly Meetings for scheduling, planning and to touch base about Youth Group programming in general will help Youth Leaders feel connected to each other and help them work together.