We are happy to present our vision of our Love Your Neighbour initiative for First Pres. There will be some evolution in the development of this over the coming weeks and months, but in the end our hope and prayer is that we can be a helpful presence in the lives of struggling people around us, in both the membership of First Pres and also into the wider community of Collingwood. If you are in a position to help in this way we encourage you to do so. We will keep you updated through livestream and online correspondence as this ministry unfolds. In addition to your financial support, please pray for this Love Your Neighbour initiative. We know that when we put Love into practice, worlds are changed. Here are the words Jesus used: “Our Father, who is in heaven, hallowed by your name. May your kingdom come, and may your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
Peace Tim
Donations to the LYN program are gratefully accepting. Please follow the link provided to donate: