What is Vacation Bible Camp (VBC)?
Free ½ Day Camp for children from SK – Grade 6
Activities such as outdoor games, science, rhythm, crafts, bible stories, singing, dancing and drama are tailored for each age group and help kids understand how much God loves them. 

Day to Day Details:
Camper Drop off: 8:45 – 9:55am
Camper Pick up: 11:30 – 11:35am

Friday Family Finale 11:30 – 12:00: We end the week with a VBC Finale Presentation for campers’ families to catch a glimpse of the fun we’ve had all week long!

Small Groups, Big Connections!
Campers are divided into 10 groups of 10 – 12 campers, based on their age.
Each group has 2 adults, and 2 youth leaders to engage with campers and lead them through the day’s activities.  

Registration Information:
Registration is free, but necessary to participate in VBC.
Registration will be open for VBC 2025 from March 16th until July 7th.

Volunteer Information:
VBC relies on a large team of both youth volunteers (Gr 7 and older) and adult Volunteers (of all ages!) to create amazing experiences for the campers, and volunteers alike!
Volunteers are needed to run the sites (activities), lead the groups of campers through the activities, prepare and organize snacks, set up and take down each morning, and help with our AV/Sound/Tech.  
When you complete the Volunteer Sign-Up Form, you will be able to select what areas you are best suited to volunteer.
Youth Volunteers who have graduated Gr 8 can use their hours for VBC towards their OSSD.

Love VBC? Consider a donation to the VBC Program, either online, or using a church envelope and dropping it into a collection plate either on Sunday Mornings or during our VBC Finale.  Donations help us continue to offer VBC as a free program for the community!   To donate to VBC specifically , please mark your donation with  “For VBC” so that funds can be directed accordingly.